California Foreclosure Defense Attorneys


Saunders & Associates, APC, is a Debt Relief Agency as specified by Federal Law. We understand the struggles of working Americans and are here to help. Our team of experienced professionals can assist you in filing for Chapter 7, Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to help you avoid foreclosures, creditor harassment, garnishments, repossessions, liens, evictions and lawsuits. We will stand by your side and fight for you in Bankruptcy Court to help you get out of debt.

ALERT: Foreclosure Completions In The United States Increase Annually By 64 % In November 2022

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Understanding Foreclosure

At Saunders & Associates, APC, we understand that foreclosure can be a stressful and difficult situation. That's why we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of legal representation.

We leverage our combined knowledge and experience to exceed our clients' expectations and help them every step of the way. With our focus on our clients' needs, we are an excellent partner and guiding light for you, your business, and your legal needs.

We are dedicated to helping you navigate the foreclosure process and achieve the best possible outcome.

If You Have Received

Time is of the essence. Don't hesitate to contact your local foreclosure attorney that knows the law, the best practices and you as a client. Saunders & Associates, APC is that law firm for you

Notice of Default
Notice of Sale
Sale Date issued
2nd Mortgage Trying To Foreclose
California Foreclosure Attorney                                      Free Consultations Available    949-844-8445
Saunders $ Associates Litigation Clients


At Saunders & Associates, we are dedicated to providing our clients with costeffective, resultoriented representation. Our experienced Real Estate Foreclosure Attorney and support staff are here to help you save your home and know the law inside and out. Don‘t let your lender‘s team of attorneys outmaneuver youwe will fight relentlessly to protect your home.


Saunders & Associates, APC, takes advantage of the increasing evidence of errors in the mortgage industry to challenge foreclosure actions. As courts have shifted their sympathies towards borrowers, the firm has been successful in defending against such actions. The attorneys at Saunders & Associates, APC, are well-versed in the various ways to challenge foreclosure proceedings. Some of the most common defenses to foreclosure include:

 Foreclosing bank didn’t follow the required State and Federal procedures;
 Foreclosing party can’t prove it owns the loan (it lacks “Standing”);
 Mortgage servicer made a serious mistake when handling your loan;
 Statute of limitations has passed;
 Servicer used a defective affidavit or declaration;
 Crediting your payments to the wrong party
 Dual-tracking in violation of Federal law or State law, if applicable;
 Imposing excessive fees or fees not authorized by mortgage contract;
 Substantially overstating the amount you must pay to reinstate your mortgage;
 Defective Affidavits and Declarations
Foreclosure Defense Form

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